Topaz Animation Studio presents
Hot-headed outlaw Wylie Westly and his gang of criminal misfits go on a journey across the land of Rostrum, narrowly avoiding arrest while thundering across grassland and desert to take on their greatest rivals in a bug-eat-bug world.
Wild Westly is an action-comedy animated show inspired by Weird Westerns and alternate history. It was created by storyboard artist Winston S Lewis and freelance writer Odysseus O’Daniel. Wild Westly was first conceptualised in mid-2022, with the first pass of designs being made as part of Winston’s coursework for his second year of University. The designs, world, and story have evolved rapidly since. Winston decided going into his third year of university that he wanted to officially produce Wild Westly following his graduation, and went on to create the initial proof of concept animatic as his final major project.
This series will be set in a world populated exclusively by insects. The people are bugs, the animals are bugs, and the agriculture and architecture of this world have also adapted to the needs of bugs. Every insect in Wild Westly references a real-world species, with character designs and individual’s actions and abilities making use of the natural features of their chosen bug. As the Wild Westly team has grown, so have the contributions of many artists to the visual development of the world.
Wild Westly Proof of Concept animatic, 2024, with official VAs for the pilot
Odysseus O’Daniel, Co-Creator
Winston S Lewis, Creator