Wild Westly
Wild Westly is Winston’s passion project, an animated show about insect and alternate history. This animatic is the first minute of episode 1 of this hypothetical show, which introduces you to a handful of antagonists before the main characters enter, beginning the show off with a classic train heist.
See more of the development work for Wild Westly here!
VA: Francis Lowe
Music: Winston Lewis
Art Fight 2024
Short animatic made in 3 hours for the first day of Art Fight, using Sundown, a character that can be found elsewhere in my portfolio. This animatic also uses characters from edenc0re and TurnipScribs on Twitter.
Inscryption Rewritten
This animatic was for a final year university project in which we had to explore our own take on an existing piece of media. This animatic is a retelling of the ending of Inscryption, a psychological horror game by Daniel Mullins.