Comic Code Authority

Original animated concept

CCA is a project made to critique common superhero comic book tropes, especially ones that were either highlighted or segmented by the Comic Code Authority, which was created in 1954 to make comics more suitable for the consumption of a younger and more “ethical” audience.

This project explored a world where the CCA was applied in-world to superheroes, condemning individuals for any self-expression that went against that code, no matter how necessary or unavoidable the choices. Heroes who showed skin were openly queer, were political, or simply didn’t fit the CCA’s idea of a publically acceptable hero were all shunned and pushed to the side by their agencies.

The Salamancer

The Salamancer is a disgruntled middle-aged man who was forced into the hero life. He cares very little for the publics opinion of himself, but does not go against the code out of spite.

Inspired by Quiet from Metal Gear, the original concept for The Salamancer was to put a male in the same sexualised clothing as many female superheroes, giving an excuse such as “he breathes through his skin”. While he does breathe through his skin in the final concept, the sexualised outfit was replaced by a skin pattern that combined the patterns and colours of salamanders and newts with the vague silhouette of shapewear.

Commander Starlight

The Great Equaliser

The Great Equaliser is the “ultimate villain” of the time period that the CCA was originally put in place. TGE represents the character traits that weren’t mentioned in the CCA , but were constantly recorded as being unacceptable under its guidance.

TGE is an openly queer older man. His colour palette is inspired the bear pride flag, and he wears a leather harness which is typically associated with bears, which an early classification of gay men between the 1970s and 1990s. On his chest he wears the red star, a symbol of communism, and within it is a heart monitor reading of the last heartbeat of the partner he once had, who died due to a more popular hero being prioritised.

Commander starlight is your classic superhero; super strength, super speed, super hearing, flight, the cape billowing in the wind behind her. At the beginning of this story, she is an upbeat and hopeful individual, hoping to truly change the world for the better. When The Salamancer defects to stand at The Great Equaliser’s side, she turns to the public, finding solace in their support. She goes crazy with the idea of abiding by the word of the CCA, until she has driven herself mad to perfectly conform to its standards of a perfect hero.