The Box (2022)

This project was my first time animating. The task was to create a 20-40 second animation that began and ended with the same image of a cardboard box. We were encouraged to use the box as anything other than a box.

My project was inspired by the chaotic nature of online role-playing video games, where players’ characters often do not fit the setting that they are found in.

CCA (2023)

This animated sequence is a segment from a larger scene, in which previous partners in crime fighting face each other on opposing sides. The idea behind this world is that the rules written by the Comics Code Authority in 1954 are in-world standards to be followed by heroes. Some break under the pressure of trying to fit the perfect standards while others give up entirely and become villains, who are often only villains as the Code rejected them.

VA: Odysseus O’Daniel
Music: Winston Lewis